Gives a nice introduction showing benefits of chiropractic care with headaches.

“One of the most common and less understood headaches is the “cervicogenic headache.” This is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain around the head that is associated with either the bony structures of the head or the muscles of the neck. This has also been associated with migraine headaches as 64% of migraine sufferers have reported associated neck pain/stiffness with their migraine attack; 31% experienced neck symptoms before and 93% during the headache phase and 31% during the recovery phase.

Therefore cervicogenic headaches are also a component of the migraine headaches and can be treated.

One of the hallmarks of determining if there is a cervicogenic component of any headache is to change the position of your head and if you increase, activate or alter the pain pattern, there is a component.

According to M. Haas, ET. Al. in 2010, spinal manipulative care (chiropractic adjustments) showed significant reduction in cervicogenic headaches of over 50% of the research group that lasted for 24 weeks, or the length of the study. The researchers used the 50% mark to determine validity and they reached their milestone and it lasted for 24 weeks, the length of the study. They also noted a decrease in over the counter medication during the 24 weeks of the study.

Haas also reported in 2010 that at 12 weeks 85% showed improvement with varying degrees of improvement ranging from 25% to 100% with similar findings at 24 weeks.

Chiropractic has been proven to reduce and in many instances totally eradicate headaches. The financial cost to headache sufferers for drugs is staggering along with loss of paychecks when unable to work, the disability costs to insurers and loss of production of workers to industry when their employees cannot perform their jobs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.”