Core Stabilization vs Strength

  There is a lot of articles out there on how to build core strength to prevent back pain.  For me the vast majority needs to be working on core stabilization vs just strength.  I have seen a ton of guys at the gym that do massive amounts of situps and crunches but still complain about back pain. The problem is 3-fold. The core is made up of a lot more than just the 6-pack (rectus abdominus).  There is the obliques and transverse ab muscles, the low back extenders (QL and paraspinals) and the gluteal muscles.  They are addressing only 1. They are working the muscle primarily for strength when… Read More

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3D Spine: Spinal Restrictions and the problems they can cause

Spinal Subluxations/Joint Restrictions/Joint Dysfunctions can effect the nerves (neurons for the medical community) that directly come out of the spine. An irritation to those nerves by way of inflammation or by lack of movement signals going in can cause those nerves to fire differently. Those nerves fire to tell the body to do virtually everything; from telling your finger to move to telling your stomach to make more enzymes to increasing your heart rate. Often times people will just fill a ‘pinched nerve’ feeling, but there are times even though they can not notice it that that irritation to the nerve is effecting your body’s other systems. View our post… Read More

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Prevention of Migraine Headaches (excerpt from ChiroAccess)

Migraines can be a debilitating and frustrating  problem.  The cause is not always known and there are lots of different triggers to cause the migraine.  Migraines can make it so that you can not function and can last up to 72 hours (3 full days).  Often times you have both light sensitivity and sound sensitivity so that you can not work, read, or watch tv.   Medications can help, but not always the same medication will work for everyone and not all the time. Please note exercise, proper posture, looking for food triggers and nutrition, stress reduction, and chiropractic can also help with migraines. For more information about headaches and migraines… Read More

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